Monday, February 1, 2010


Today is a wonderful day. Everyday is a wonderful day, and every moment is one that should be enjoyed and cherished. Why is that we cannot understand that? Why is it that I cannot understand that. Everything I do, seems to distract me somehow from "living." Everything is always a means to an end. But what if that means stops being a means and becomes the end. What if I stopped treating every moment like an obstacle... how would life change?

This is a lot easier said than done I must add. Almost every single Buddhist book I read tells me to "live in the moment," but I always tell myself I just need to finish school, or I just need to live here, in order to do that. This is the moment in which I need to be living.

So I invite everyone or anyone to advise me on how to live. I do believe myself to be happy, but how can I turn something I dread into something I enjoy?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's all a matter in the way you look at it. Even if you dread school you can tell yourself that somehow it is benefiting you...or at the very least it is one necessary step towards achieving what you actually WANT to do. and since you have to do it, why not enjoy it while you're at it? I think it's important to see the beauty in everything, and Im sure you'll be able to find some great things about school; whether it's the short hallway conversations, or the little naps you take in class. and like we've talked about before, every chance you get tell yourself "this is exactly where i want to be right now"
